Scale Boss app for iPhone and iPad
This app shows the notes of various scales on the neck of the instrument.
This one app is all you need for scale reference for:
•6-String guitar
•7-String guitar
•4-String bass
•5-String bass
•6-String bass
The scales included are:
•Natural Minor
•Melodic Minor
•Harmonic Minor
•Harmonic Major
•Minor Pentatonic
•Major Pentatonic
•Bebop Major
•Bebop Minor
•Alternate Bebop Minor
•Diminished Whole Tone
•Lydian Augmented
•Lydian Dominant
•Diminished (Beginning with Half Step)
•Diminished (Beginning with Whole Step)
•Whole Tone
Options include:
•Diatonic or Chromatic note display
•Note-name or numeric interval display
•High-to-low or low-to-high string display
•Left-to-right or right-to-left note display